Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Links to the Outside World

Glowdoodle @ Zeum: San Francisco's Children's Museum
Here's a few interesting bits and pieces I've found in my travels through the Interweb this week:

  • Zeum: San Francisco's Children's Museum have some great public programs not unlike those offered by   the Digital Learning Hub (check out the Music Video Field Trip). Their new program Glowdoodle also has me intrigued. They have a lively presence on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Yelp and YouTube and take the 3Cs of 21st century literacy - Creativity, Collaboration and Commuication  - very seriously.
  • This useful page from MIT TechTV which explains why people should use royalty-free music for their videos and where they can get it.
  •  These public programs offered as part of Seattle's Arts Crush 2010. I especially like the one about making your own stage blood!
Any links you'd like to share?